What do you love most about working with/for BESG?

BESG as forward-thinking and exciting organization has a positive impact in their work with communities.

How did you come to work at BESG?

I applied for a position as advertised online. In this profession, working for an NGO like BESG is one of the many ways one can understand the Community Development spectrum. My skills and qualifications were well suited for the position, and upon speaking to the leaders there were great opportunities for my growth available.

What did you study and why?

Junior degree and Honours in Bachelor of Community and Development Studies from UKZN. As a humanitarian it was one of the best options if I wanted to contribute to building a better society with improved social justice.

What are you currently studying and why?

Nothing for now, but I recently studied Project Management as part of my growth plan here. It helps me plan, implement, and evaluate my work and know how to take on activities and projects properly in my over-all work.

How would you want your community in Pietermaritzburg to describe the work you do?

Impactful, with a focus on issues of social justice, provision of adequate human settlements, improved basic services, community development, women development, upholding of human rights, fostering community engagement with the state, encourage public participation, sustainable livelihoods, and any capacity building interventions as needed etc.  

Why does your work matter to you?

Meets my humanitarian nature, and interest in being an agent for change and transformation, by working with disadvantaged communities in co-creating well versed plans for development while encouraging engagements with the state.

What is the most difficult part of your job/profession?

When stakeholders shift to unnecessary politics, instead of focusing on the bigger picture which is the development of underprivileged communities.

What inspires you?

I am inspired by anyone who thirsts for a positive change

What stirs up anger and frustration inside of you when you look at the communities you serve?

It is somehow frustrating having to work with stakeholders who do not put the needs of the people first


If you could flick a magic wand and *poof* a little magic happened, what would that be?

All planned community development projects would have been implemented and people have a chance at a better life.  

What inspires you to wake up and give of your best every morning?

The fact that I have an obligation to contribute to a better South Africa

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