What do you love most about working with/for BESG?

By doing so, I am contributing to the hope and change that we hope to bring to the communities with which we work, while also preserving our future environment. 

How did you come to work at BESG?

I came as an intern, with an intention to gain experience in environment.

What did you study and why?

Environmental Management, my passion is to raise awareness on environmental issues while also empowering communities to address environmental concerns that may have.

What are you currently studying and why?

When I enrolled in a short-Accredited Facilitation course, I primarily wanted to fine-tune what I do every day.  This will assist in the planning and implementation of the programme work in order to provide workshops that are impactful and strategic.

How would you want your community in Pietermaritzburg to describe the work you do?

Comprehensive approach to environmental injustice and sustainable livelihoods by assisting community participants to establish income generating income initiatives that will help ensure food security and income.

Why does your work matter to you?

Keeping the environment in mind while meeting the needs of human beings is my passion and drive. I would like to see communities become self-sufficient as they are able to provide food security to their own families, while also generating income to support themselves. Maintaining a healthy environment while protecting it.

What is the most difficult part of your job/profession?

Balancing the needs of human beings with the protection of the environment.

What inspires you?

The passion and drive people have been inspiring, even when their lives are challenged they want to make a difference

What stirs up anger and frustration inside of you when you look at the communities you serve?

My frustration is compounded by seeing how hard life can be, how everything might seem against these communities. There are even stakeholders with resources that can be used to help, but they don’t 

If you could flick a magic wand and *poof* a little magic happened, what would that be?

I would see a balance in service provision, see communities self-efficient and the restoration of the environment 

What inspires you to wake up and give of your best every morning?

The fact that I help provide hope to communities. While helping them have suitable livelihood.

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