What do you love most about working with/for BESG?

Helping poor people, who are in desperate need for services or help and few people care about their living condition

How did you come to work at BESG?

Recommendation from a friend who thought the environment at BESG will suit my personality and my passion in helping the needs of those who are less fortunate than myself

What did you study and why?

Civil Engineering, I grew up in a farm in the rural area where we built our own access roads and water supply from the springs and streams in the area. During planting season, we helped each other as a community

How would you want your community in Pietermaritzburg to describe the work you do?

Taking responsibility in solving our own community issues and protecting our resources

Why does your work matter to you?

It gives me the opportunity to make deference in other people’s lives and to me that is the reason why we were created as humans

What is the most difficult part of your job/profession?

Government not doing what they are supposed to do in serving communities and not responding to the needs of the underprivileged people.

What inspires you?


What stirs up anger and frustration inside of you when you look at the communities you serve?


People that take advantage of the poor and the mindset that says we deserve to get everything for free because we are poor, instead of getting up and do something to change their situation.

If you could flick a magic wand and *poof* a little magic happened, what would that be?

Equal society

What inspires you to wake up and give of your best every morning?

To make a difference

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